The medicine wheel is a mapping system showing our inter-connections to the web of life. Used by indigenous cultures for thousands of years, this ancient symbolic tool provides with a visual connection of all our relations and the cycles of creation. It helps us understand our human cycles of life as we pass through the seasons and their cycles. Just as nature shows us the constant evolution of her, we can come to a deeper understanding of our soul’s evolution and live with more purpose and intention.
Each stone in the Medicine Wheel represents all the different aspects of ourselves, and opens our hearts to all of the relations on common Mother Earth. Chris' intuitive reading, using stones and crystals, will give you insights and a focused tool to use over the next two months, offering a deeper understanding of major life lessons and current challenges. After feeling the energy of the stones and choosing them from the medicine wheel, Chris will explain and intuit their symbolic meaning. You will walk away with practical information to understand present situations, influence changes in your life and deepen your connections to earth and its gifts.